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  • State Constitutions & The Limits of Criminal Punishments

State Constitutions & The Limits of Criminal Punishments

Date & Time

Thursday, October 24, 2024, 8:30 a.m.-6:30 p.m.


Lectures & Presentations


Rutgers Law School Professor Emeritus Robert Williams

State Constitutions & The Limits of Criminal Punishments

A symposium on the growing legal movement to challenge excessive criminal punishments—including both prison terms and conditions of confinement—via the anti-punishment and related clauses in state constitutions.
Keynote Robert F. Williams Lecture On State Constitutional Law: David M. Shapiro, Executive Director, Chicago Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law; amici, Jones v. Mississippi,141 S. Ct. 1307 (2021)
Panels will explore the potential application of state constitutional bans on cruel punishment and related rights, as well as the barriers to vindicating such rights. Current State Supreme Court Justices Will Provide “A View From The Bench.”