Chancellor Cantor's Statement on the Passing of Congressman Donald Payne Jr.


The Rutgers-Newark community is devastated by the loss of U.S. Representative Donald M. Payne, Jr., a fearless champion and stalwart advocate for education, for students, for Rutgers-Newark, and for Newark.
Congressman Payne was a frequent presence on the Rutgers-Newark campus and in the university community, who would rush to the side of students, faculty, staff, and community members whenever his advocacy was needed. Over the past decade, he has been a clarion voice of support for access and opportunity in higher education, whether speaking out for preserving the tax-exempt status of tuition benefits, securing pathways to college for citizens re-entering our community from incarceration, or bolstering calls for community-wide dialogues on reparations.
He was a tireless cheerleader and opener of doors for our students, whether he was hosting them as interns, guest lecturing in their classes, welcoming them on advocacy visits to Capitol Hill, advising them on how to make their case in the halls of Congress for increased college affordability, or helping pave the way for local debate champions to meet a sitting President of the United States.
As we sadly ponder no longer having his astute insights to guide us, we will remain ever grateful for the example of his ever steady, thoughtful, but resolute acumen and warm demeanor in service of our community and our nation. Our heartfelt condolences go out to his wife, Beatrice, his children Donald III, Jack, and Yvonne, and his extended family including former Assemblymen William Payne and Craig Stanley.
In shared sadness,
Nancy Cantor
Rutgers University – Newark