Debate on Use of Animals in Biomedical Research March 8

On Tuesday, March 8, 2011, Rutgers School of Law–Newark will host a debate titled “The Use of Nonhuman Animals in Biomedical Research: A Moral Justification?” Arguing the question will be noted animal rights scholar Gary L. Francione, Distinguished Professor of Law and Nicholas deB. Kaztenbach Scholar of Law and Philosophy at the law school, and Dario Ringach, Professor of Neurobiology and Psychology, Jules Stein Eye Institute, Biomedical Engineering Program, David Geffen School of Medicine, University of California, Los Angeles. Dean John J. Farmer, Jr. will serve as moderator. The debate is open to the public with seating on a first-come, first-served basis.
Professor Ringach will argue for the use of animals in experiments; Professor Francione will argue that there is no justification for using animals in this or in any other context. “Professor Ringach and I disagree strongly with each other on this topic,” says Francione. “We will have a rigorous, provocative, but courteous and civil debate about a subject that is of increasing interest to the public and to educational institutions alike.”
Professor Ringach will present a 20-minute opening statement on the benefits of animal research and the moral justification for the practice. Professor Francione will respond with a 20-minute statement that questions the practical efficacy of vivisection but focuses primarily on the moral arguments. Both will have a five-minute rebuttal. Professor Ringach will then ask Professor Francione a question that he will have three minutes to answer. Professor Ringach will have a three-minute reply and Professor Francione will have a concluding one-minute reply. There will be four of these exchanges, which will be followed by a 40-minute Q&A with the audience.
What: Debate on “The Use of Nonhuman Animals in Biomedical Research: A Moral Justification?” sponsored by the Rutgers Student Bar Association, American Constitution Society, and Federalist Society
Who: Professor Gary L. Francione, Rutgers School of Law–Newark, and Professor Dario Ringach, David Geffen School of Medicine, University of California, Los Angeles
When: 6 – 8 pm, Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Where: Baker Trial Courtroom, Rutgers School of Law–Newark