RU ID Card Service Center
The RU ID card is the official photo identification card issued to faculty, staff, students, and guests on all Rutgers University campuses. This unified RU ID card serves as the primary form of identity verification throughout the University.
How Can I Obtain A New or Replacement RU ID Card?
The RUID Card Service Center - located at 249 University Avenue, 3rd Floor - Blumenthal Hall on the Newark campus - will be using a hybrid distribution model, offering both mail and in-person options during scheduled office hours. Review the information below for your role - student (residence halls or off campus), faculty/staff, guest or retiree.
RUID distribution options:
- Mail Service: To request a new or replacement ID card sent to your home mailing address, please open a case inquiry here and information survey, which will be sent to your email and must be completed. ID cards requested to be mailed will not be available for in-person pickup - cards will be mailed in 7-10 days from receipt of the completed survey.
- From May 17 - July 31, 2024 - our office hours are Monday, Wednesday and Thursday - 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM.
- To confirm or update your mailing address, please log in here.
There is a $20 fee for all lost/replacement cards payable upon request of a replacement card. Replace your ID here
New students assigned to residence halls will receive their RUID card at residence check-in or via mail. If you have not received your card and need to request one, please make an appointment to pick up your RU ID card on-campus.
New faculty and staff requesting an RU ID card will be able to coordinate receipt of the card by visiting us in-person or completing the email form to request that your card be mailed. We can mail RU ID cards for all new faculty and staff hires as well as lost and replacement cards for current employees. If you are replacing a card, your existing photo can be used. There is a $20 fee for all lost/replacement cards.
New Employees
Staff and faculty must have an active employee role to be eligible to receive an RU ID. Additionally, you must have activated your NetID and uploaded your photo online. Photo submission and confirmation of approved photo is required before an RUID card can be issued.
You can pick up your RUID card by visiting here.
To access your building please click here https://ipo.rutgers.edu/publicsafety/iam-access-control-newark for the list of access control coordinators. Your supervisor has to send an email to the access control coordinator to allow you to access the buildings you need.
If you are not attending orientation, have not received it at orientation or you were previously issued an RU ID, you may visit any ID Card Service Center location to obtain your RU ID.
Current Employees (Replacement RU ID card)
To replace a lost/stolen RU ID, please visit here.
Once a replacement RU ID has been issued, your previous RU ID is permanently suspended and it cannot be reactivated for any reason.
If you had building access permissions on your RU ID, those permissions will transfer to your new RU ID within 30 minutes of the new RU ID being printed.
If your replacement card will be picked up at or mailed from Newark Blumenthal Hall Service Center, please use the link here to make the $20 payment.
Rutgers visitors and other university guests who require a Rutgers ID card for use of authorized privileges must first be listed as a Guest in the university's Registry (database). ID Cards for visiting scholars are issued for a period of up to one year, after which they must be renewed by submitting an updated request form, turning in the expired card, and paying the associated fee.
To become a guest in the university's Registry, your sponsoring department must submit a Guest Role/NetID request form.
All sponsoring departments should visit: https://requests.rutgers.edu/guest/guest.htm
Questions regarding the guest sponsorship process should be directed to the OIT Help Desk as stated on the above webpage.
Once the Guest Role/NetID is established, the individual may upload a photo online via the online submission portal.
The individual can then visit an ID Card Office to have a card issued to them. They must present a Guest ID Request Form signed by their dean director or unit head.
University Hospital-Newark Guest Passes
If Rutgers employees have a business need to enter locations designated as University Hospital facilities, they may request access from Shelley Edmonds-Lee at edmondsf@uhnj.org. In your email, please indicate what locations in UH facilities you need access to as well as the individuals you are requesting for that location. For example:
Location: UH C Level Dental Clinic
Names for Location: Jane DoeRutgers new hires and new students may obtain a UH guest card at the UH Call Center, located in Room A-104. Hours of operation for ID card production are currently 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.
RWJUH Guest Passes
Rutgers new hires and new students may obtain a Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital (RWJUH) guest card at the RWJUH-Security Office, located in G2 Bristol Myers Squibb Children’s Hospital. Hours of operation for ID card production are currently 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Individuals with questions regarding guest cards or that need additional access assigned to their guest cards may reach the Security Office by phone at 732-937-8644
Upon retirement, Retirees will receive a letter from University Human Resources (UHR) explaining how to get a Retiree RU ID card. Retiree RU ID cards can only be issued once this letter is presented from University Human Resources.
To obtain a Retiree RU ID card:
- Retired status must be verified in the HCM system (Contact Human Resources or visit the following link for more information http://retirement.rutgers.edu/ .
- Submit a photo online. You will receive an email confirmation when the photo is approved. Only then should you visit the RU ID service center to pick up your RU ID card.
- Present the letter from UHR at an RU ID card service center on the starting date or any day after the retirement date.
- Employee must return the former Faculty/Staff RU ID card.
- Employee has the option to use the current picture on file or upload a new picture by following photo submission link on the UHR website.
RU ID cards are not issued to Rutgers Alumni. Alumni Relations issues an Alumni ID Card for such individuals to access various university services and facilities.
Please visit the Rutgers Alumni Association website or contact Alumni Relations for information on obtaining an Alumni ID Card and the benefits it provides.
Rutgers–Newark Alumni Relations
Conklin Hall, Room 213
175 University Avenue
Newark, NJ 07102
Fax: 973-353-5803