Rutgers-Newark graduates

Diversity that enriches   

Enrich your education. Explore learning with an incredible mix of people at Rutgers University-Newark. You’ll find diversity among faculty, other students, and campus life.

Diversity that amplifies the value of your university experience   

Diversity is real at Rutgers University-Newark. It isn’t a box to check, but is an integral part of the enriching adventure of life on our campus. Meet a multiplicity of people from a wide cross-section of places and cultures, both among faculty and fellow students, for an exceptional learning experience.

Diversity means the people

Diversity means the people you meet will come from cities, others from suburbs, and many from different countries.

man walking up the steps with rutgers-newark arch in the background

A Rich and Diverse Learning Experience

Diversity is not just a demographic idea here. You’ll encounter a range of values, ideas, and practices. You will work and learn together, share, and explore together--and of course, have fun together.

What kind of study are you looking for?

A Vibrant Campus Life

Inside the classroom, around the campus, and in the city that surrounds us, you will get to know different kinds of people on a personal level for an educational experience that transcends the classroom.

two students walking through campus

Faculty with Rich Backgrounds

Our faculty comes from everywhere to bring you a wide array of perspectives and experience. They’re known for their commitment to inclusive teaching, and their groundbreaking contributions to transformative research. Among them are Fulbright Scholars and Pulitzer Prize winners, as well as recipients of the Carnegie Fellows and Guggenheim awards.

faculty member standing with arms crossed

Live on campus

Immerse yourself in the community by making one of our five residence halls your home base. You’ll find lifelong friends, a rich experience, and plenty of support from Resident Advisors from the moment you arrive on campus. Enjoy the convenience of prepaid dining options that include sit-down and grab-and-go options at seven different campus venues to satisfy any craving. Flexible meal plans and mobile apps work with your schedule

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